Monday, 30 July 2018

Captain's Chamber

How it’s like to be in Ojaswat?

It's like life is divided into three different parts - before Ojaswat, Ojaswat and after Ojaswat! I got a chance to forget myself and be someone else. It feels very awesome when the entire team is ONE! It feels like the world around me has suddenly changed. Also, the way I felt about myself has changed over this journey. I got to be a part of something where nothing was considered impossible, where there were no limits. Here we all get a chance to redefine ourselves, not as who we are, but as what we can do as a team. It just felt really good to live like I'm a part of something amazing and finally, I am not who I was anymore.

-Akshit Vithlani

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Hard work always pays off

It was the finest experience of the college life – ‘Team Ojaswat’. Team Ojaswat is not only a team for me but it has become one habit of mine; it became the synonym of the college.The meaning to come at the college, whatever happened in the team that was wonderful, especially the frame manufacturing phase was the beautiful phase of the team. Every time when I entered the IC engine lab, the new challenges were there and we were always ready for that. There was every day standing with the next tasks that we have to complete, every day with the new challenges made us strong enough to handle tough situations with teamwork. 

Believe or not what all that matters is how hard you are ready to sacrifice for the work. Without that, you are going nowhere and doing nothing. Laziness is the wrath, not for you but for the hearts that are filled with the dreams of the winning and peoples that gave all they have for the team for only and only one thing, the Team Ojaswat, when someone says, team, all I know is sacrifices and without that team is not a team. The fights and matter of agree and disagree, different beliefs of the team members will be always there but I think there is no place for fights in the team and with that, the team is definitely not going to win and that is not the meaning of the word team also. 

All Ojaswat taught me is that always be positive no matter how hard and impossible situation is there, because if there is will there is way, if you gave up on any situation at any time then the whole team members will give up and team loss at that moment of the time. Winning and losing is the part of the game but what matters is how hard you are trying to play and that’s what we do at Ojaswat. 

Biggest salute and thank you to the captain- Akshit Vithlani and the vice-captain Ishan Vasoya as they hold a big responsibility on their shoulders every moment after they joined the team. So without them, the team is nothing. They are the carrier of the team on every hard moment. Whether it was about making decisions to do or not to do at any time. They played the incredible role every time. I think if they were not in the team the team would have scattered in no time. They bind everyone in one team. One thing I learned that without discipline anything will never gonna work. Teamwork taught me to work on time with perfection. 

Team Ojaswat is the silver part of the life that we can't forget anyhow. That nights at Ojaswat will gonna become the remembrance of the lifetime. Marketing, sponsorship, designing, management and researching all in one place and so it is the best thing in its own that I have ever witnessed. May team Ojaswat always keep succeeding in the future and as many as can be the part of the team for the better.


Thursday, 4 January 2018

Ups and downs are necessary

Team Ojaswat for me is not just a student formula racing team. It has become like a family for me.
Initially, I joined the team as a volunteer then became the team member. There were lots of ups and downs in the team and this is what life teaches us. This is how a team grows its unity.

The germination phase of the team took several months. But then as and as time passed, members started mixing up with each other. I won’t talk about of anyone in personal because we are a team. Each and every member of the team has shared a great bond.

Team Ojaswat faced many issues at the end but as it is truly said “A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who Trust each other.”

To me, teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have twenty-five acting as one. You become selfless.

The journey till now seemed to be very thrilling and fun. I am glad to be a part of Team Ojaswat and I wish Team Ojaswat a great success in the upcoming events.”

-Agastya Kantharia